Pxl Watch is a Movie and TV Shows guide, personalized to each user.
You can search or discover movies, tv shows, actors, and more. View their full details, check where they are being streamed based on the selected country you chose.
Each title has its own review section. You can rate it, we called it general rating. Plus, you can go way deeper and rate each category separately such as writing, directing, acting, etc. And you can write a full detailed review, and add your top 5 moments with timestamps.
You can specify if you liked or disliked it, and even add it to your all time favorites list.
Based on your account type, your reviews will be shared to the social page where other users can see them. And, you can create posts about a movie or series encouraging others to watch it. We called it "Hidden Gems"!
You can check different movies and tv shows added by other users. You can add them as favorites, follow them or become friends. Sharing is very easy throughout the whole app. Simply press on the share button, search for one of your followers, and send them any movie, tv show, cast, another users profile, etc.
You can find all of the content shared to you by simply going to the notifications page. You can filter out by users, followers, movies, etc.
So much more features are available inside the app, and if you would like to add a feature, please do not hesitate to send us an email!
Disclaimer: We use the TMDB API to get information about movies, series and people, but we are not partnered, endorsed or certified by TMDB. We use JustWatch data to get watch providers (streaming services available). We use icons from ICONFINDER to provide you with profile pictures.